Friday 13 December 2013

Evaluation - Film poster, magazine cover, DVD sleeve

This is my film magazine cover and it was created in Photoshop. First I looked at other magazine covers like Empire and Total Film. First off I found a background on google, then I went to DaFont to find a font for the title of my magazine. 
I used the photo that I used on the cover of my DVD sleeve and movie poster. 
The thing I like best about my magazine cover is the titles of all films at the bottom, I liked choosing all the different fonts that would be easy to read.
The thing I don't like about my magazine cover is the probably the background. Even though it has a gradient effect already on it, it looks like a backdrop for a window display in a shop. 
I think that the thing apart from the background being improved would be the colour of some of text, as some of it is a little bit hard to read and it conflicts with what is behind it.

This is my DVD sleeve, and it is an adaption of my film poster. Except that the credits bar is on the back of the cover instead of being on the front as it was on the poster. I looked at other DVD sleeves that were similar genre of my film, like DVDs for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. 
I looked for a font that would be easy to read on the blurb of the DVD sleeve, but I used the same font that I used on the movie poster for the title on the front of the DVD sleeve.
The one thing that I don't like about this poster is the writing at the top on the front cover, I think it just looks too plain and kind of ruins it in a way. I think it needs to be the same font as the title of the film, and also the same colour as I think that it is too bright.
The one thing that I do like about this the 'Special Features' box on the back cover, I like the font of Special Features and also the font of the writing in the box, as I think it looks good and mixes in with the over feel of the sleeve itself.

This is the film poster. The colouring of the person on this has a green colouring to it as on the poster and the magazine cover it has almost a purple colouring. As this was supposed to be a teaser poster I haven't included much on it, which is typical of a teaser poster. With that being said I don't think that this is a good poster at all. The person looks green which is a bad start, and also the title doesn't really grab you as I think that it needs, to be bigger, bolder and brighter so it would capture the audiences attention more. 
The one thing that I do like about this is the background and what the background looks like with the filter that I have applied over the top. 

Friday 6 December 2013

DVD Sleeve -

This is the photo for my background of my dvd sleeve. After I uploaded into photoshop, I got the dimensions of a DVD sleeve then fitted the photo to the size of the DVD sleeve.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Magazine covers

These are two covers for Empire magazine when Man of Steel was released this year. The first one with all the writing on was the version that was released in shops and the one with just Superman on is the cover that was released to people who subscribe to the magazine, so its almost like a limited edition.
The first cover is alot descriptive about what is featured in the magazine, such as articles on Iron Man 3, The Lone Ranger, The Wolverine, Thor - The Dark World and Kick-Ass 2. But you can tell that the main article of the magazine is Man of Steel as that is the text that stands out most on the page. Also it has a metal looking effect on the text which matches with the 'Steel' of the title.

Friday 29 November 2013

Movie Poster

This is the photo that I took for my movie poster. It wasn't all that difficult to remove the background as I thought it might have been.

Friday 8 November 2013

DVD sleeve - analysis

The DVD sleeve for Lord of the Rings The Two Towers. The DVD sleeve itself is an adaptation of the film poster.
The colours of the poster seem to run the same throughout, they match with the colours on the back of the DVD sleeve and nothing looks out of place. The colours are very muted throughout the sleeve , there aren't really bright colours, but it comes across as eye catching when you look at it.
The blurb of the back of the DVD sleeve gives a description of who the film is made by and what awards the film has been nominated for and what it has won and also who its directed by, Peter Jackson. And then it goes on to list who is starring in the film, and also who is starring in the film written in the credits bar at the bottom on the sleeve.

This is the movie poster and the DVD sleeve for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as you can see the DVD sleeve is an adaptation of the movie poster. The colours throughout this are very earthy as the film itself is dark and with the tagline on the movie poster being "something evil has returned to Hogwarts" its mixes and shows that something evil/scary is going to be in the film. Also in the movie poster Dobby the Elf is a lot more hidden than he is the DVD sleeve and it looks as if he is the 'something evil'. The colour of the font against the background makes it really stand out and makes it looks very eye-catching for the audience. The blurb on the back of the DVD sleeve gives a description of what the film is and who is in the film and what the audience are expected to see. It then goes on to list who is in the film and what languages you can watch the film in.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

DVD sleeves



Its has to make people who didn't seen the film at the cinemas buy the DVD.
DVDs are usually cheaper than going to the cinema.
For people who don't like going to the cinema.


Where it will be sold - in supermarkets.
Video stores, rental stores - Blockbuster.


Reviews and ratings - 'DailyMail *****'
More information and space than a movie poster.
Narrative/adapted film poster.
flashes - 'extra content included'. 
Leaflets on the inside advertising memorabilia/props/toys.
Actors name and people in the film on the cover of the DVD.
BBFC age certificate.
3D covers on the cover of the DVD.
Blurb on the back - more information than on a poster - a short synopsis.
Holographic limited edition sleeves

Thursday 24 October 2013

Movie poster

This is my finished movie poster.

What I did-
First I researched other film posters. 

**not finished, need to write an evaluation.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Movie poster - background image

I searched on google for a background for my movie poster, I wanted something that looked like a stormy night sky.

Movie poster background

After a few searches I found this background, that I'm very happy with.

Photos for movie poster

 These are photos that I took for my movie poster. 
I took them on different backgrounds because I didn't know which one would be easier to remove.
When I opened them in photoshop, I found that the one with the lighter background was easier to edit.

The costume in the photo were sourced at panto, I searched  through the cupboards for a suitable costume to be worn and also a matching hat.

Friday 18 October 2013

Unit 2 Pre-production techniques

-When you are getting ready to film a show for TV, there are a number of things to have to fill out before filming can commence, such as filling in risk assessments, so you aren’t sued if something goes wrong during filming. When casting a film, the production company would probably go to a casting agency to look for actors/actresses, if it was a professional production, or they would put advertisements/send out leaflets if it was an amateur production. When casting or looking for crew to work on the film, it always best to build up a list of contacts.
-Also when you would have to look at the target audience for the type of program you were starting to film. For example if it was a period drama like Downton Abbey, you would look at the particular people that watch that program.
-You would also have to look at your budget/finance, and if you didn’t have enough, you would have to find funding for somewhere in order to make the TV show. If there isn’t enough more options that could be turned to are either the BBC, which makes money from TV licensing, if the program was being made for the BBC, or from sponsorship/advertisements.
-You would also have to look at the equipment available for filming, such as camera, tripods, lighting equipment, and microphones. If you needed more equipment than originally intended, it couldn’t either be hired, or bought and then hired out to others that needed it after the filming had been done.

-When working in the photo-imaging industry, it is always vital to look at the nature of the photography as not to offend anyone. If it is a underwear photo shoot, it can’t be too provocative if children are going to be able to see the image.
-When recruiting models for a shoot, you would have to get in touch with a modeling agency, then you would receive portfolios back.
-Also risk assessments would have to be completed if photographs were being taken in a derelict building or if working with live animals.
-There would be a lot of deadlines if the photographs were being taken for a magazine, these deadlines could either be daily, weekly or monthly. For example Vogue, which is published on a monthly basis, a lot of thought and preparation would go into the shoots for the fashion, and the person on the cover, the session may be spread over a couple of days, and thousands of images will be taken.
-When shooting it would be critical to make sure you took enough memory cards with you, as it wouldn’t be convenient to run out of memory.
-When it go to the post-production it would involve putting the images through Photoshop, to get rid of anything that isn’t wanted, such as spots.


-In the print industry there are either daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly deadlines.
-It’s good to have an appropriate contact list, just in case an interview needs to be arranged.
-An method of how to get work out there if you are either a freelancer or employed by a company, you have to find a way to get your stuff out there.
-Deals with supermarkets can be done, this could be like an ‘Exclusive to Tesco’ product, and it is only sold there, so if people want to read it, they will have to travel to Tesco, this is not only giving them business, but also you.
-Advertising can make or break a magazine/newspaper, sometimes it can either break even or make a loss.
-Most magazine have celebrities as USP (Unique selling points) to sell more copies of something.

-Non-broadcast video is usually a video that is shown in B&Q or Wilkinson’s to show how products work, such as JML products. Its usually very low budget.
-When the filming has been done it will go through an editing process, much like TV and film production.
-The props that are used are usually always the product that they are trying to sell.
-If people are featured in the video, they will need to sign actor release form, the same as when actors star in films and TV programs.

Radio & Audio
-When broadcasting on radio some radio presenters may be broadcasting from home.
-You have to pay royalties if you use people song on the radio.
-International stations – the world service, foreign offices pay for the world service to be broadcast in countries.
-Whatever someone says on the radio, you own it.
-When reading the news on the radio, you have to make sure that you get it right, or you’ll get sued.
-You have to be on time with everything, current events, travel news, etc.
-You’ll need sound booth, to be able to record, but if you’re filming outside you’ll have to find a relatively quiet place to record.
-The personnel needed will be: DJ, artists, producers, sound engineer – who is sat on a mix desk, and a scriptwriter.

-Lots of pre-production will go into this such as research.
-Actors will need to be found to star in the film, or extra will need to be found to be in the background.
-A director and producer will need to be found to direct and produce the film.
-Other job roles that will need to be found before production begins: set designer, costume designer, make up artist, editor, researcher, scriptwriter, camera and sound man, floor manager, archive, story board writer.
-The genre of the film will need to be decided before filming begins.
-Finance will need to be found for the film, either from the production companies such as: Dreamworks, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros, Columbia and Paramount.

-It could be like an app, teaching you too cook, or an app to help you speak another language – where you talk to it, and it tells you if you have pronounce it right.
-Interactive media is also games like Grand Theft Auto, they have people write a script, and then have people make the game, which can take years to create.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Film proposal

Iana Surch - 16/10/2013

Proposal for Creative Media Production Project

Format and Medium - I am going to create a print poster for a movie, it will be A4 sized, and it would be used in a magazine.

Sector - The sector that this fits into is the film marketing sector.

Working title - I do not yet have a working title, at the minute is is just called 'Untitled project'

Genre - The genre of the film is going to be a fantasy adventure.

Intended audience and age - The intended audience for this film is men and women aged between 12-18, maybe even older, depending if fantasy adventure films appeal to an older audience.

Summary of content - 

Summary of style - 

Legal and ethical considerations - I will have to make sure that I am not copying

**not yet finished**

Friday 27 September 2013

Wonka Babies - Illustrator Font making

This is the font I created in Adobe Illustrator. 

First off, I typed the text - Wonka Babies into Illustrator, and used the font 'Futura Condensed Extra Bold', and changed the size so it filled the page.

Then, I clicked off the text and onto the Selection Tool and  

Type Faces

This font reminds me of the The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes, 
if it was in green, it would look like goo, especially with the drips coming 
down from the letters. It would look good on a poster maybe for Nightmare
One Elm Street. If it was in a different colour the letters would almost
look 3D. 
This font would probably be featured on a film poster like The Wedding Date 
with Debra Messing or Maid of Honor starring Patrick Dempsey. The font 
itself looks hand written, almost like how someone would write a love letter,
or when they leave a card on some flowers for someone within the film.

The font would belong on a film poster for something like Star Wars
or Pacific Rim starring Charlie Hunnam. Or maybe a film like Galaxy Quest
which is a bit of a comedy and an action film. Its very futuristic, almost
like it belongs in TRON: Legacy or WALL·E. 

This font would  most likely be featured on a poster, maybe for
Fast and Furious, if it had a brushed metal type effect added to it,
then it would look great on a poster for other films like Die Hard,
From Paris with Love and The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3.

Historical Drama
This font would probably be featured on a poster for Emma starring
Gwyneth Paltrow, or maybe Downton Abbey - like when they are
addressing a letter to someone, but when they were writing, it wouldn't
be at 3D, like with the little gaps in the letters. The font is almost
like calligraphy.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Adobe Illustrator - Daniel Radcliffe part 1

Orignal Image.
When I was first introduced to Adobe Illustrator, I didn't get how to use it, and by the end of the lesson, I still didn't know how to use it, and kept getting frustrated that I couldn't use it. But now that I have had another day using it, I have finally managed to get to know how to use it. 
This is the tool I used to
make an outline of the features I
wanted to make into a layer.

Then I did the outline of the face. Then I switched this layer off so I could do all of the other features on his face, like his eyes, lips and nose.

Step one, the white of the eye.
 Then I did the eyes in three different stages.
Step two, the colour of the eyes.

Step three, the pupils of the eyes.

The finished eyes.

Friday 20 September 2013

Expendables Poster

The process

The process started by taking photographs of everyone included in the poster. The photos were taken against a green screen - we used this because it is easy to remove the background in Photoshop. The lighting was set up in such a way that is was hitting the side of everyone's face and also the background, which was lit up so it would be easier to see the green in Photohop, and be easy to remove it. 

Photoshop & Dafont

When all the photos had been taken, and I had downloaded them from LearningBox/SkyDrive, I uploaded them all the Photoshop,and then one by one, I used the Magnetic Lasso Tool to make an outline of each person, then after I had made an outline, I got hold of the cut out object and moved it on to the background layer, so it got rid of the background.-----The green of the green screen. Then after I had done this for all the people that are in the poster, I resized them all – with the transform option and by holding down the shift key, so the resizing of the image didn’t skew up when I made it smaller or bigger.
After I had done this to all my cut outs of people, by making them all different sizes, as the people at the front are slightly bigger than the people in the background, I went onto DaFont and searched for an appropriate font for the title and the names across the top of the poster.
After searching I found the font ______________, I chose this one because I thought that it looked the best out of all the other ones I had looked at.
To be able to use the font on Photoshop, I firstly downloaded the font from the website, installed it into the Mac, quit Photoshop, then reloaded it back up, and then I was able to use it as a font choice in the text menu.

The original image, that was imported into Photoshop.
I used  Magic Lasso Tool to create the outline around the image.
This is the image, after completing a 'full circle' outline.

The image with the background deleted - it has been
pulled onto another layer, the one with the background on,
but I have turned it off.

The background image with the person on it, the
background has been tuned on.
The background without the person on it.

The 'Magic Lasso Tool' the
third icon from the top, with
the picture of a magnet.

This is the font that I used for my poster off DaFont