Friday 8 November 2013

DVD sleeve - analysis

The DVD sleeve for Lord of the Rings The Two Towers. The DVD sleeve itself is an adaptation of the film poster.
The colours of the poster seem to run the same throughout, they match with the colours on the back of the DVD sleeve and nothing looks out of place. The colours are very muted throughout the sleeve , there aren't really bright colours, but it comes across as eye catching when you look at it.
The blurb of the back of the DVD sleeve gives a description of who the film is made by and what awards the film has been nominated for and what it has won and also who its directed by, Peter Jackson. And then it goes on to list who is starring in the film, and also who is starring in the film written in the credits bar at the bottom on the sleeve.

This is the movie poster and the DVD sleeve for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, as you can see the DVD sleeve is an adaptation of the movie poster. The colours throughout this are very earthy as the film itself is dark and with the tagline on the movie poster being "something evil has returned to Hogwarts" its mixes and shows that something evil/scary is going to be in the film. Also in the movie poster Dobby the Elf is a lot more hidden than he is the DVD sleeve and it looks as if he is the 'something evil'. The colour of the font against the background makes it really stand out and makes it looks very eye-catching for the audience. The blurb on the back of the DVD sleeve gives a description of what the film is and who is in the film and what the audience are expected to see. It then goes on to list who is in the film and what languages you can watch the film in.

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