Tuesday 16 June 2015

Skin Tutorial - Photoshop

This is my attempt at photo shopping a person, and this is the finished product. It  looks fake as most of the celebrities in magazines do. 
The first thing I did was get rid of all the spots/imperfections on her face with the spot healing brush. Then I added a new layer, and blurred that so she had a new layer of skin. Then I removed all the blurriness around her face, so her hair was changed back to normal, and also the background, so in the end only her face was still blurry. Then I erased some of the blurriness around her eyes, nose and mouth, so she looked like a normal person again.

Celebrities DO NOT look as perfect as the do in magazines. Its all fake, they probably turn up to photo shoots, tired, with messy hair, bags under their eyes, just a general mess. And then after, the photo shop will come in and make them look perfect.

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