Tuesday 16 June 2015

Skin Tutorial - Photoshop

This is my attempt at photo shopping a person, and this is the finished product. It  looks fake as most of the celebrities in magazines do. 
The first thing I did was get rid of all the spots/imperfections on her face with the spot healing brush. Then I added a new layer, and blurred that so she had a new layer of skin. Then I removed all the blurriness around her face, so her hair was changed back to normal, and also the background, so in the end only her face was still blurry. Then I erased some of the blurriness around her eyes, nose and mouth, so she looked like a normal person again.

Celebrities DO NOT look as perfect as the do in magazines. Its all fake, they probably turn up to photo shoots, tired, with messy hair, bags under their eyes, just a general mess. And then after, the photo shop will come in and make them look perfect.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Adobe Illustrator

This is the finished product for Illustrator. 

The thing I like most about it is that for a first attempt it is alright, and I'm very proud of it. And if I was to do anything like this again, I would probably feel more confident doing it.

The only thing I don't like about it is that I could have also drawn his suit on as well as just his head and face, but for a first attempt I'm still pretty proud of it.

Friday 13 December 2013

Evaluation - Film poster, magazine cover, DVD sleeve

This is my film magazine cover and it was created in Photoshop. First I looked at other magazine covers like Empire and Total Film. First off I found a background on google, then I went to DaFont to find a font for the title of my magazine. 
I used the photo that I used on the cover of my DVD sleeve and movie poster. 
The thing I like best about my magazine cover is the titles of all films at the bottom, I liked choosing all the different fonts that would be easy to read.
The thing I don't like about my magazine cover is the probably the background. Even though it has a gradient effect already on it, it looks like a backdrop for a window display in a shop. 
I think that the thing apart from the background being improved would be the colour of some of text, as some of it is a little bit hard to read and it conflicts with what is behind it.

This is my DVD sleeve, and it is an adaption of my film poster. Except that the credits bar is on the back of the cover instead of being on the front as it was on the poster. I looked at other DVD sleeves that were similar genre of my film, like DVDs for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. 
I looked for a font that would be easy to read on the blurb of the DVD sleeve, but I used the same font that I used on the movie poster for the title on the front of the DVD sleeve.
The one thing that I don't like about this poster is the writing at the top on the front cover, I think it just looks too plain and kind of ruins it in a way. I think it needs to be the same font as the title of the film, and also the same colour as I think that it is too bright.
The one thing that I do like about this the 'Special Features' box on the back cover, I like the font of Special Features and also the font of the writing in the box, as I think it looks good and mixes in with the over feel of the sleeve itself.

This is the film poster. The colouring of the person on this has a green colouring to it as on the poster and the magazine cover it has almost a purple colouring. As this was supposed to be a teaser poster I haven't included much on it, which is typical of a teaser poster. With that being said I don't think that this is a good poster at all. The person looks green which is a bad start, and also the title doesn't really grab you as I think that it needs, to be bigger, bolder and brighter so it would capture the audiences attention more. 
The one thing that I do like about this is the background and what the background looks like with the filter that I have applied over the top. 

Friday 6 December 2013

DVD Sleeve -

This is the photo for my background of my dvd sleeve. After I uploaded into photoshop, I got the dimensions of a DVD sleeve then fitted the photo to the size of the DVD sleeve.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Magazine covers

These are two covers for Empire magazine when Man of Steel was released this year. The first one with all the writing on was the version that was released in shops and the one with just Superman on is the cover that was released to people who subscribe to the magazine, so its almost like a limited edition.
The first cover is alot descriptive about what is featured in the magazine, such as articles on Iron Man 3, The Lone Ranger, The Wolverine, Thor - The Dark World and Kick-Ass 2. But you can tell that the main article of the magazine is Man of Steel as that is the text that stands out most on the page. Also it has a metal looking effect on the text which matches with the 'Steel' of the title.

Friday 29 November 2013

Movie Poster

This is the photo that I took for my movie poster. It wasn't all that difficult to remove the background as I thought it might have been.